If you’ve ever had a pet dog, you know how much joy they can bring to your life. Aptly nicknamed ‘man’s best friend,’ some canine companions can provide more than just comfort. In addition to offering emotional support, hearing dogs serve as a second set of ears for people with severe hearing loss or deafness.
Why They’re Doggone Amazing
Hearing dogs are trained to alert their masters to sounds in the home by nudging or pawing their owners to get their attention. These service animals then lead their masters to the sound’s source.
When they have a hearing dog, people with hearing loss don’t have to worry about hearing the alarm clock to wake up on time or missing the sound of the oven timer going off. Instead, they can relax and enjoy their daily moments more.
An ideal hearing dog is alert, ready to work, friendly, attentive to sound, calm, focused on its task and confident. Hearing dogs are usually small to medium mixed breeds that come from shelters or professional breeders.
Unleashing Their Potential Through Training
The initial training for hearing dogs includes socialization, obedience and audio-response training. During audio-response training, trainers teach them to react to sounds in the home, such as smoke alarms and doorbells.
After the dog matches up with an individual with hearing loss, they train together to work as a team. The dog may also learn to respond to other sounds specific to their owner’s life, like people calling their master’s name.
Making a Paws-itive Difference
According to the American Kennel Club, owners of hearing dogs say that “having a trained canine helper gives them an increased sense of security and independence that other assistive means just can’t provide.” Interested in getting one? Go to assistancedogsinternational.org to find a hearing dog provider near you.
Hearing dogs have helped thousands of people lead happier lives. However, a hearing dog is not a replacement for hearing devices but rather an additional way to keep people with hearing loss connected to their world.
Think you may have hearing loss? Schedule an appointment with our team today—(540) 371-1263